R-1 Standard Update
The City is in the process of updating some of the development standards in R-1 and R-1-H single family residential zones, and we wanted to provide you with information on the proposed changes.
The purpose of the proposed update is to:
Preserve existing neighborhood character in R-1 and R-1-H single-family residential zones by extending design related standards to all additions, remodels, and construction of single-family dwellings;
Remove inconsistencies from the existing regulations;
Enable efficient customer service by streamlining planning review time for small scale remodels and additions to single-family dwelling;
Eliminate Single Family Development Permit discretionary review process; and
Remove Hillside Development Permit discretionary approval for pools and spas proposed on flat lands with less than 5% slope within the hillside area of the City.
The City Council hearing for the Project will be held on February 8th, 2022 at 6pm. Instructions on how to view the meeting and submit comments during the meeting will be posted online prior to the meeting date at: https://www.burbankca.gov/web/city-clerks-office/meeting-agendas-and-minutes.
On February 28th, 2022 the City of Burbank Community Development Department’s Planning Division held an online Community Meeting on the proposed updates to regulations on R-1 and R-1-H, Single Family Residential zones (Title 10, Chapter 1 of the Burbank Municipal Code), including changes to definitions and development standards to facilitate streamlined planning review . The proposed code amendments are intended to facilitate responsible development that address bulk and mass concerns from the community while facilitating streamlined planning review by residents and property owners seeking to make improvements to an existing home or to build a single family residence.
You are able to view the Community Meeting here: Community Meeting of February 28, 2022
For more information about the community meeting please contact the Associate Planner, Shipra Rajesh at [email protected] .
This community workshop was held online as the City balances the health risks associated with COVID-19 during the current State of Emergency and in the interest of public health and safety.
Staff Report
Attachment 1 - Ordinance
Attachment 2 - Red Line Version of Ordinance
Attachment 3 - Summary of Changes to Exisiting R-1 and R-1-H Standards
Attachment 4 - December 13, 2021 Planning Board Hearing Report and Exhibits
Attachment 5 - Planning Board Resolution
Attachment 6 - December 13, 2021 Planning Board Hearing Minutes
Staff Report
Exhibit A - Draft Resolution Including Red-Lined Ordinance
Exhibit B - Draft Ordinance
Exhibit C - Minutes of the October 25, 2021 Planning Board Hearing
Exhibit D - October 25, 2021 Planning Board Hearing Report and Exhibits
Staff Report
Exhibit A - Draft Resolution including Ordinance
Exhibit B - Draft Ordinance
Exhibit C - Detailed Summary of Changes to Existing R-1 and R-1-H Standards
Exhibit D - Neighborhood Compatibility Review - Design Guidelines Checklist
Exhibit E - Designated Hillside Area with the City